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Pack 3 has a calendar full of activities comprising of scout only fun as well as many service and volunteer opportunities.  This page highlights some of the service activities which the pack has contributed too.  

If you have any suggestions for service or volunteer work that are age appropriate for our cubs, please submit your suggestions to

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Pack 3 Trash Pickup

Pack 3 is hosted by A.Robison Elementary School.  For use of the school facilities for monthly Pack meetings, Pack three performs Trash Pickup in order to help keep the school's grounds and garden clean and clear of litter.

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Bird Boxes for Lake Livingston

Lake Livingston was host to Pack 3's Fall camping trip for 2011.  In return for their stay and wonderful time at this beautiful lake our boys built several bird and duck boxes during their weekend and placed them around the lake as per the park request.

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 Scouting for Food

 Pack 3 participated in the annual Scouting for Food drive in support of the local food bank here in Cypress.  As a result of the support our Cypress community showed us, Pack 3 was able to scout out over 300 pounds of food goods for Cypress Area Ministries (CAMS).  Great Job Pack 3!!

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planting trees!

Popcorn Sales

Every year Boy Scouts of America sells popcorn to help raise money for the organization.  In addition to simple popcorn sales, there is an option to purchase popcorn for the military.  As a result of those sales, popcorn is shipped to military troops stationed overseas to enjoy!  Thank you to everyone who supported Scouts by purchasing popcorn and a special thank you to those also choosing to support our military with a special treat!